What is the Aichi Sports Commission?

Aichi Prefecture is setting forth in an effort to promote, foster and bid for national and international sporting tournaments to be hosted in the prefecture. Such an approach requires that officials of the region cooperate together as an organization. For that purpose, “Aichi Sports Commission” has established on April 1, 2015.

The ‘sports commission’ by building awareness, driving initiatives and bidding for sporting competitions and training camps will, for example increase the number of non-local sporting exchanges promoting and leading to regional revitalization. The commission will act in cooperation with local governments, sports-related organizations, economic and tourism organizations, the mass media, participating companies, NPOs and so on.


Publicity activities

  • Collect and dispatch sporting tournament information around Aichi Prefecture.
  • Build momentum towards sporting tournaments.
    (Research and hold lectures and symposiums).

Tournament and Training Camp Bidding

  • Collect tournament information from sources such as sporting event organizations and sports associations.
  • Provide information to organizations such as sporting event organizations and sports associations (facilities and tournament subsidies).
  • Approach and lobby sports tournament organizers and sports associations.

Tournament development activities

  • Promotion of sports events.
  • Support participants of sporting events.
  • Ensure volunteer cooperation.

Regional vitilization promotion activities.

  • Tailor tourism promotion to sporting events.
  • Offer, sell, exhibit and/or promote regional specialty products at tournament venues
Future events intensely bidding for:
(1)2026 Asian Games
(2)Rugby World Cup in 2019
World Rugby
Japan Rugby Football Union (JRFU)
2019 All For Japan Team
(3)Training camp bids related to Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Games Event Organization
(4)FIFA Futsal World Cup in 2020 Bid
Federation International Football Association (FIFA: English site)
Japan Football Association (JFA)